The Listener
Feature Interview
Featured Writer
Vox Dementia
Contact PFW


What are those strange things that help us hear? Can they be designated simply by scientific names? When you have an insatiable itch do you say, "Hey my vestibular apparatus is acting up?" No. Hey did you just hear the lightening? Believe me, you did.
Hear. Here you will hear voices in your head. They will come in many aesthetic voices, one a premiere poet Suheir Hammad whose works make you swallow a different pill. A rising voice, a rising presence that will make you stand at attention and realize that language is never fixed, Anthony Morena.

What? Yes. There is more. Poems by John Binet and Jonathan Santiago. Latino poets who are the children of a new language, their own. Even their eyes reverberate song.

Sometimes the words and images of the past haunt. Kurtis Darby is a haunted man with images of his own to share; they speak. Will you dare try to hear the written voices in his head? Also, David Casey, some say he is mad, others say that he dreams not images, but constant dialectics with dead poets and scientists; he wakes anew.
Be more specific? We hope you enjoy our inaugural E-zine. The plan is to release subsequent issues (with varying degrees of content and goodness) bi-monthly. Please, send the appropriate amount of feedback (e.g. anything you feel like writing); our voice wants to hear from you.
We are The Listener.

