Press ForWord, INC.

Jonathan Santiago - Poet

Kurtis L. Darby's Liminal Space

David Casey

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The Listener

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May 23, 2002

We have a BRAND NEW Press ForWord Message Board! That's and improved! Please join and be apart of our family.

Press ForWord Message Board


May 10, 2002

Hello from the depths of the binary! This news item is just to let everyone know that the new Press ForWord site will be up and running in two weeks. The site will have all the regular features that this site already has and some new ones that we will be introducing periodically post-launch. 

We would like some help from you, our listeners.

If there is any features or improvements that you would like us to focus on or implement, let us know.  We have a lot of ideas in mind but do not want to overwhelm or dilute the overall focus of this site, literature. Email us and we will communicate our ideas to see if they fly with any of you who are interested in hearing them.  Again, that email address is



April 15, 2002

From now on, all Press ForWord, Inc. related correspondence will be directed here: .

All "The Listener" correspondence, comments, etc., will be directed here:

A note on The Listener, for those who enjoyed and hated it, please let us know. We need your words. Please, write us.

Thank you for your continued support. And stay tuned for the new site! 

FYI: For those looking for a real rock band to release your inhibitions with, please direct yourself toward:

And see the video: Another Morning Stoner - Windows Media Player / Real Player

Please, stay for the music.

March 22, 2002

The day after and already we at Press ForWord, Inc. aren't satisfied! We are in the process, as always, of totally revamping this site! It will take some time, so bear with us as we deal with code and personal tastes. Believe me, it will be beautiful in the end! Again, please visit our main focus right now, The Listener . We believe that this zine is the first of many steps of Press ForWord, Inc. related affairs. Come along with us for the ride. 

Oh, and to the very first person to sign our Guestbook, thank you whoever you are! We encourage those who would like more information on Press ForWord and The Listener to email us at

Unfortunately, our email servers were down ever since yesterday. So, whomever sent us messages at either jsant/listener/, please resend them to this address . We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, we are doing the best that we can given the circumstances and should have those other email addresses up and running soon. We would ask that people send us comments, suggestions, submissions and opinions based on both this site and The Listener. Again, thank you!


March 21, 2002

The day is here. The Listener is now online. Please understand, note, tell your closest and closet loved ones...the literary world has a new digitized! This is for real. We are for real. Poets. Authors. Artists of the twenty-first century order. Our motto: 

Always a work in progress, will you please...


March 15, 2002

Can you hear it? Oh yeah. The Listener is on its way. That's right, The Listener. Tell your friends, neighbors, and local homeless, the inaugural issue E-zine of Press ForWord Inc. is on its way! Next Wednesday, March 20, 2002.  It is an important date in the literary world. Why? We are pushing the spiral ahead. We want to and will change the face of words as we all know it. There are many reasons why this change MUST take place. 

We shall explain. But if you have ever felt that you're imagination is being supplanted by another's will or that it has been numbed off, you will understand our mission. 

Again, we encourage open feedback. Thank you.

-Press ForWord

February 22, 2002

AH, the burdens of being upright!!! The e-zine??? Half-way done. SCORE!!! Yes, we at Press ForWord, Inc. just said score. 


David Casey, soon-to-be famous independent filmmaker has decided to go on sabbatical. We miss you already David! We want to wish him the very best in his pursuit at that thing speculated to be happiness. 

No one has signed our guestbook (located in the menu, on your left;-). Why? Do we suck? Am I the only person willing to look at this hideous black background, red letters for more than a minute??? Is a facelift in order? Have no fear... changes are on the way. Nothing spectacular, but I think you will enjoy them nonetheless. Seriously, we would like to know who you kind folks are so that we may say thanks and possibly let you know via email when the e-zine goes online and when we just want to say...hello:-)

I think we need a hug.

-press forword

January 24, 2002

Kurt and Jon are watching Hedwig and the Angry Inch.  Jon just laughed and said "that's rock and roll, man!"  Yes Jon, you're right.  That's rock and roll.  

good news: Kurt finished his novel.  He's training for the New York Marathon now.  Jon made it back from Paris alive.  David hates rock music.  He is almost finished with the Walkmen video he started in vain.

bad news:  Kurt finished his novel.  Now he's got another one rolling around in his head.  Classes start for Jon on tuesday.  Back to the HardCore.  David is fastidiously dodging the porn videos they want him to cut.  Vast Video is going down (don't tell them I said that).

Oh yeah, the zine. It rocks major booty! You will be informed. Trust...

-the Press ForWord gang

January 18, 2002

Hello again. We are proud to announce that progress of the zine is running smoothly and we are looking at an early-mid February release date. WOOHOO!

We have added a guest book at the immediate left of the page, please feel free to add your name to our Press ForWord friends list. We look forward to hearing from you.

January 4, 2002

AH! It's a new year and we at Press ForWord, Inc. couldn't be happier! We are very excited to inform the hordes out there that the zine is being worked on as of this typing and that it will be damn near revolutionary. It is literary at its heart, since we are writers, but it is twenty-first century in scope. Trust me, all will be made clear in about a month (cross your fingers!).

In the meantime, we encourage you to get out there and write, compose, whatever to get your voice out there. No matter what.

-Press ForWord

December 4, 2001

It is a warm, yet gloomy day in New York City. The world as it stands is in a rapid state of war. A war with so many facets and perspectives that it is getting harder and harder to see the truth. Anyway, as mentioned below, Press ForWord is also in a constant flux and the next step in that progression (we hope, anyway) is that of a News Group. You've seen those before, right? Good. If not, don't worry, it's harmless.

Rules for the Press ForWord news group:

1) When you post, you must be naked...just kidding. 

Seriously though, be kind, helpful, and open. 

Press ForWord News Group


-the Press ForWord gang o'ruffians

November 21, 2001

We at Press ForWord are working very hard on a number of different literature based products that will most surely please, or sadden, your individual eyes. (Doesn't that sound so pretentious!!! Hehe!) 

Seriously folks, the literary movement WILL NOT BE TELEVISED!!!

It will be DIGITIZED! 

"Well, what does that mean? Are you just another pretentious poet(s) that think they are revolutionary? You think the internet hasn't tried and failed to succeed the print publishing world? Even Stephen King tried, and even he failed? WHAT MAKES YOU ANY DIFFERENT?"

First and foremost, as our Mission Statement so poetically states, we are in this to "keep literature it grow in the sun." This is important to me as a writer(s) in that we have this voice, but this voice has no volume without a reader. Without someone reading these words, they may exist, but they hold no significance whatsoever. So, here we are, online, sharing. This does not mean that there will be no print material. We love paper. Believe me, there is nothing better than the smell of a nice paperback. Even if you lost your ability to smell, the mind would always remember that smell. 

Second, we are a NON-PROFIT organization. This company is not in it to make any money (we have to feed ourselves, but we are doing the best that we can with all of our strengths). As of this moment, we are here to spread the message that we are here. That we have a voice that must be read. We want to change the face of the literary world because the times that we live in demand it. The words demand it. We encourage reader-writer interaction as much as possible, so feel free to email us at address below. Thank you.

Itinerary / Things to look forward to from Press ForWord:

1. Political E-Zine. Name TBA. Expect this to be our initial and thought out take on the recent events from September 11, on. There will be an interview with a well-established and (damn) important female poet, along with essays, art and of course poetry. 

2. Look for our own work to be highlighted in our respective pages. 

3. Expect to see a well-balanced output between what we put on the site and what we will have in print. We are looking to have a pamphlet style newsletter mailing sometime in the near future. 

4. Y-O-U. Yes. You. We will grow in both knowledge and creativity regardless, but with you, our audience, we will have a purpose. So, please submit your work. We will be more than courteous with you. Believe me, we may all have our political, religious, and wacky ideas/beliefs, but we were all born naked and innocent. We have an open mind and encourage your willingness to be open with us as well. 

It will be a bumpy ride, but bear with us, the future, however uncertain, is ready to be lived. Let's do it together. 


-pressforword inc.



ALL work on this site is strictly here for viewing purposes and is available on request. Any attempt to doctor, destroy, mangle, steal, chastise, abuse (actually, we welcome criticism, it makes us feel as if someone is actually reading this shite), berate, insult or use these works in any other way than merely for viewing (dis)pleasure is strictly prohibited and will be punished by the highest court in the land.
So, even though we cannot do anything about it, please feel free to contact us at and confess to your dastardly deed.

Published by:



David Casey


Kurtis Darby


Jonathan Santiago