Press ForWord INC
Jonathan Santiago - Poet

Always a work in progress, will you please Press ForWord...


Jonathan Santiago - Poet
Kurtis L. Darby's Liminal Space
David Casey

The Listener

Some thoughts for and from the termite(s). Enjoy...  

Email me:

March 21, 2002

YES!!!!! We've worked so hard. The initial ideas for the site have been fostering for over a year. Now, it is here. Ya hear??? The Listener. I am so excited. You will be hearing alot more about Press ForWord Inc. in the coming months. I am so happy right now! A new chapter; new purpose...thanks to all those who have stayed by me. I love you.


March 18, 2002

Hola. How're things. Wednesday is the official launch of The Listener. This is a big deal in the literary world since we are trying to start a literary revolution. A revolution whose purpose is to "resuscitate the dead art" as Ezra Pound once did. So stay tuned and open your ears...

By the way, I've got a new email address, write me if you want to.

Adios, for now!



February 22, 2002

Hola! How are things with you? I hope well, fine, dandy, couldn't be better! 

Here's a poem that I wrote on the Press ForWord message board that I wanted to shove down your throats...

slow drip by: jonathan santiago

i told you,
"come near me again.
let me tell you
that nothing in return
warrants deliberate spite.
a deliberate, kiss."


what did you say?
that my sighs are silly
preoccupations with a lead past?
a lead weight?
leave my breathing motions out of this!


your smile, a bite,
a bullet, a bite
of a rotten apple.
no wonder you just
sit on a pair of tied hands
asking for assistance.


here we are not
even close to a sunset moment,
a stroll with ladybugs,
a nap under redwood shadows,
a time for kneading rose petals
between our lips.



so, what do you think??? write me at i would love to hear from rules!

thanks for listening



January 17, 2002

So, another day, another sad sad song. Actually, sad songs make me happy. As long as we share our pain with an empathic touch, we should be fine. I took this mental disorder test today and realized that normalcy is a terrible, terrible myth. If you feel that you are normal, you are not allowing yourself to progress into the dangerous state of existence called living. Normal people want to survive. I want to be insane and live. 

Why else would Jeff Buckley try a dip in the river? Why else would John Lennon take a trip down a Manhattan street? Why else would people call themselves, poets, artists? 

I just came back from a very short trip to France. The homeless there are not Vietnam veterans. Their stories are different, they are gypsies who wield razors that cut through purses, blind eyes that can see your invisible shield called 'safety.' They are from Sarajevo, mountains, refugees. I gave the first young woman who came to me and my love all the Euros I had (not much). Then I realized, "Hey, I wasn't supposed to do that." Then I saw, the children. It's a society, a system of homelessness in front of Notre Dame that has no solace, no refuge, no amnesty! What is a moment? Or, the correct amount given to a person who has to make a living stealing, begging, turning around and telling their child to hurry up, catch the tourists! Priceless.

Where will New York City be when it reaches the age that Paris is now? Will it be as beautiful, as forgiving, as riotous, as historic, as important? Whatever happened to Atlantis anyway?

I swear that I heard the River Seine ask me to tell her story. I swear that the man had drunken so much that he had to piss on two different spots on her wall. The coffee is good. The people nice, willing to tolerate my bad English. I swear the girls at the Moulin Rouge were telling us that their bodies were fucking temples of ruin and time. They danced so terribly that I got it all in a bottle. In a bottle that I threw from 39,000 feet up where clouds ran from me since they too, feared terrorism. I saw the Mona Lisa.

She smiled because she just passed gas and Leonardo would soon get a wiff! My kind of gal. Van Gogh's ear was on full invisibility as blue waves distracted the eye from the river of blood on an opposite's angle. 

You never write to me. Why?


January 4, 2002

I am watching Def Poetry and Dave Chappelle just introduced Amiri Baraka. Something is terribly wrong with that. Wrong? Or, just damn freaky. Chappelle performed a comedic piece that needed 15 minutes of pre-punchline foreshadowing typical of his usual comedy act. So, as his "poem" goes on and on, it gets pretty racist. People laugh...

Then Baraka delivers a heated poem about reparations to the "minority" groups and all the injustices done at the hands of society...notice the irony?

Thanks Russell. 

Anyway, things are getting interesting with the zine and I am happy about that. School ended with a rush of influenza. I am better now; ready to conquer the world!

I saw both Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings recently. I feel like a kid again...YIPEE!!

Anyway, if there's anyone out there who actually reads this tripe, write me. I am interested in knowing who is out there, existing, living, writing, whatever.

Talk to you soon,


December 5 no 6th, 2001

Hey. I am kind of tired right now. I've been thinking about poetry alot and how much it needs a good kick in the ass. Am I missing something? Have I forgotten when that the boat left the port? Have the elevator doors closed in my face?

I wish I had some water right now...wait a sec...that's better.

My sister is sleeping on the couch again. She is 20 years old, looks 12, and hasn't graduated high school. She comes to me sometimes, to talk. I don't know what to say. I've been as honest as I could. I cannot help her. A life is being wasted...

I won't blame no one. I wrote a poem about her, but I won't put it on here because it's not finished. She seems so dead, sleeping there. Sometimes she pukes. Out of nowhere...waste.

My anger is tired. No water will help that.

Music that I am listening to right now:

A Northern Chorus - For Those of Us Gone

Philip Glass - Glassworks

Dirty Three - Hope

Tarentel - For Carl Sagan 

Something has to be said for music that forces you to cry. Forces you to suck in that voice and spit out all the shit that hurts too much to talk about. "There is so much more out there Ruth. You're not living. It's hard yes. But it can be done! Believe in yourself..."

I was looking at photo albums yesterday. Oh yeah, I told you that. Well, they're haunting me so much right now. Each of them are like songs you've forgotten and when you hear them again, they knock you down so hard. 

That's another poem, I'm sure. Sometimes, you just feel so alone that even the telephone looks alien...this keyboard...nothing. But the violins?!?!

They cut me. They slither into my eyes and fuck my tears. They touch my shoulder and pinch my cheeks till I admit to myself...I must sleep.




December 4, 2001

Wow! Things are really coming together nicely here at Press ForWord, Inc. Slowly, but surely we are bringing together the E-Zine. It feels so good working and communicating with people, poets, artists, musicians, who care. It feels so good that everyone has been so nice, open, and eager to ask questions before concluding that we are a bunch of hacks who are out to get whatever we can out of people. It's nice. So, if anyone has anything that they would like to talk to me personally about (The Yankees, poetry, war and warts, whatever), please don't hesitate to email me. I am an open-minded person 99.9% of the time. The other .1% happens when I am dreaming about my child-molesting grandfather, then I am pretty angry...


I was looking at the family photo albums today. Boy, was I a cute kid! I wonder where everything went wrong. Personally, I blame it on thought and a human's inability to just accept any blind truth that is thrown their way. "Beginning to think is beginning to be undermined" (Camus, from Absurd Reasoning). Still, what went wrong. There were so many smiles. So many moments of where no questions were asked and ignorance was truly bliss. No longer. Now 'bliss" is a word that cannot even be used in a poem because it is too abstract, ha!

What does it take to make someone move? What does it mean to get up out of your hole and face what you had once triumphed over?

The feelings of guilt will haunt me for along time. Doubts. Regrets that no one bothers taking pictures anymore. What's there to capture? 


Poem: Ignorant Blood


November 28, 2001

OOOH MORE GOODIES!!!! Here are a couple of new poems that I would love to share with you. 

A haiku for the winter:

snowflakes silent fall                                                                                                        lands on my hand, triumphant                                                                                           as it melts I cry

Poem:   Unfinished 


November 27, 2001

We are on the move my dears!!! We are pressing forward with Press ForWord, Inc. and it feels damn good. Expect to see some mind-breaking things that are sure to titillate the synapses! We are going to have some great contributing new writers featured and here is a poem to celebrate this!

Note you will have to have Adobe Acrobat Reader to read this poem, it is a free download available at .

Press ForWord

Enjoy! And please send feedback!


November 8, 2001

Today was a blah day. You know what those are. I will be meeting up with my love later. If you don't have one, then I suggest cuddling up to anything that makes you feel like time doesn't exist. That to me is love, when time ceases to exist. Think about it. We are wired for time, pressed for time, were born into and will run out of time, in the end. BUT, the one thing that time cannot touch is love. In so many (ideal) ways, love is timeless, think about it. Ponder what happened on September 11. Put yourself in Bin Laden's mind, he probably felt love at that moment. Hitler too. Love, it's a weird thing. A timeless thing. Think about it.

PS - Hate? Well, hate is love. Hate is the love of hatred. Hate is the extreme to which negativity loves. Think about it.

PSS - Now. I asked you to email me and I am daring you to now. Please talk to me. Right now, I am just some text on the screen, but I could be so much more to you. Contact me, or anyone for that matter!!!! Just don't stay silent.

love (what's) a(i)nd (between?) hate,

November 7, 2001

From 'The Message'

"Don't push me cuz I am close to the edge.
I am trying not to lose my head.
It's like a jungle sometimes,
it makes me wonder why I keep from going under"

Melle Mel. MC from the Furious Five. I saw him once waiting for the D Train on Fordham Rd. It was interesting, because he didn't have any diamonds (or what kids these days call "Ice"), hoes (either a real expensive gardening tool, or the creator of life, you decide), a Bentley, or anything that hip-hop is right now. Read that quote again. Think about what's going on do you feel?

Lemme tell you something, after that line every single MC afterward has tried to, but has not been able to, stand up to the sheer timelessness, the ultimate weight of it. That is art. Great art is the attempt to show the wonder at why we don't go under, ya dig??

(inspired by the 80's week special on hip-hop via vh1. sue me beeatch!!!!)

there'll be some of my sheeat up here soon. i just have to pick the worthiest piece...or, you could say that I am procrastinating...

October 29, 2001

I tried to write this huge entry about what's been going on in my life these past, almost 2, months. BUT, fucking Tripod, the shit service that it is(you heard me!!!!) Gave me an error page when I pressed done. Was it an omen, no. I am sure it wasn't. It was a pain in the ass though. So please excuse this diatribe, but DAMN I AM ANGRY(that was the point of the forgotten piece too). Anyway, I would appreciate it if, anyone reading this would give me an email. Please, I would like to know what YOU think and feel. Maybe then, I will tell you what I wrote. I love you all, whoever you are:o)

ps-interesting things are going to happen here at PressForWord, stay tizzuned!

September 11, 2001

I don't know what to say. Today is one of the worst days in American and world history. Lives are not numbers. Lives are not symbols. Lives figure it out. What is America, a land of borders, conflicts, strife? Will you give your blood? The pictures (and its millions of angles) will rest in the mind forever. Welcome to the 21st century. We are vulnerable. But you and I are still free. Live. Live. Live.
I love you all,

September 10, 2001

One of the most depressing attributes about myself has to be the way I dream. I just recently read Zora Neale Hurston's, Their Eyes Were Watching God. It's beautiful. Anyway, the very first paragraph just nails my ass. Just because it is SO fucking true! I look at myself in the mirror and wonder to my self, "What the fuck are you waiting for?" I don't know myself.
-jonathan (i'll be right back)

ps- i took the poem down cuz it needed work and i am way too cocky to revise before i put out...that doesn't sound right:o)

September 6, 2001

Have you ever anything? Give yourself the chance to experience, for me. It's the least I could do. Especially since, time has played this trick on me that dictates that time plays tricks. Silly. GIVE ME SONGS!!!!!!!! Turn off your radio, forever. The internet is this world that we have mirrored from our own. Realize that from the beginning, there was always 1's and 0's. It's the stuff everything was made of. I am happy to hear children playing. I am happy to hear the tuning of a guitar. I am happy to have an audience in my mind. They always tell me the truth, even when they want to lie. Don't you love the word 'blog'? Music recommendations for the day,

Belle and Sebastian: If You're Feeling Sinister
Godspeed You Black Emperor: Slow Riot to New Zero Kanada

i will be back when you are ready to see me...

PS!!!! At the bottom of this 'blog' there lies a poem I wrote today (haven't heard that before enough, have u?). Please click, enjoy, hate, whatever your heart desires. Please email me with your thoughts as well (again, at the bottom of the page). Thanks...


hey all

me lonely. have you ever had someone who you could be like your left arm or in my case missing testicle leave for a period of time, even a week? sucks doesn't it? well that is what this week is going to be like for me. school starts next monday, yipee! yipee?? yes, yipee. inspiration. people do that for me. faces, expressions, silence, noise, broken escalators (old-fashioned stairs) name it. contact with the human (?) race. that's what i get. inspiration. i love it.

poetry is stale. at least now, in my mind it is. The era of Slam is over. It has hit its peak. It was good for a while but now that people realize that there is money to be made from saying shematic poetry, it has grown that blue mold that makes the promise of nourishment, obsolete. i tried writing in rhyme recently. i hope that when you see it, you like it. there is some form to it, but i think it too corny to reveal. maybe when i have some wine, i will reconsider.
i will be back soon. when i learn how to punctuate and spell correctly.

ps-below i have placed my email address. please feel free to harrass me.


GOD DAMN IT'S HOT!!! I have no ozone-killin' a.c. in me roomee, so I am sweating my nad off! I know that the world that reads this thinks, hey, who is the Jonathan fellow. Well, all I can say to that is...soon. I am working on poetry that, as far as I can tell, is actually worth reading. Oh, I see you are impressed, well, don't be. I have a lot to prove and nothing to lose. Hell, all thoughts are still free, right?

6/27/01 or June 27, 2001 or 27.01.01

So, are you as sick of witty sites as I am??? Who gives a shit! Right??? I am watching the Yankees right now. Childhood memories of the Mets and being woken up by my father just to see Daryl Strawberry's swing...sometimes he missed too. Still, love...RIGHT???

For those who like meaningless detail...I like candy and coffee...alot of it too.<br> That explains so much...RIGHT???

I do not mean to yell but it is hot right now and so cold online...

Oh by the way, my music picks...Sigur Ros. Find

You will understand...
love you,

A poem for you blokes...

The rate to purchase
A precious clue just went up
To twenty-six sense

Sigur Ros